Monday, May 3, 2010

Getting down to business

Well both my boys are finally home! Hubby and I spent some much needed time together this weekend while Munchkin stayed the night at my sister's. Now we're getting back to our regular schedule and it is time for me to get down to business.

Munchkin is napping right now and I'm sitting among a pile of papers and my calendar trying to schedule everything I want to do this summer. I'm enrolling Munchkin in a music class on Friday mornings, considering doing Parent's Day Out on Wednesdays, getting things set for my MOPS Summer Bible study that will be on Tuesdays, trying to figure out when to get two weeks of swim lessons in for Munchkin, and trying to plan weekends that we can go see family. This summer is going to fly!!! Somehow, we'll cram it all in!

Today Munchkin and I met Hubby for lunch. So fun! He has a trail that goes around his building, so the three of us went for a walk after lunch. It is so nice being back with the boys! :)

Sunday is the race! I'm still running. I made it in 37 minutes yesterday. Hoping to do even better on race day. Send good thoughts my way :)

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