Monday, October 21, 2013

It's Me Again

I know I "quit" this blog three years ago, but God is at work in our lives and I need a place to write it down. I want my boys to be able to go back and read about this time in the life of our family. And, I want any of our friends that would like to, to keep track of us during this journey.

Please don't stop being my friends. I need you.

So what's God been up to? Well, we're moving. Technically, we're moving "home" - back to where my husband and I grew up. Although, this move feels nothing like moving home. Honestly, where we live now feels like home. Where we're moving to might as well be a foreign country.

See, we're moving back to rural America after living in the city for about 12 years. And frankly, I'v grown accustomed to city life. There are some aspects that I won't miss. For example, there are people. People everywhere, all the time. Also, all the people feel the need to constantly be doing something. Going somewhere, being involved in some way. I'm a homebody and I always have been. And, I like my privacy. Chances, are, I always will be that way. At least in those ways, I'm excited about moving back to the middle of nowhere.

However, there are some things about city life that I'll miss.
Like Sonic.
And Target.
And our public libraries, doctors galore, being five minutes from anywhere. But what I'll absolutely miss the most is our church and our friends.

Where we're moving to I don't really know anyone, regardless of the fact that's where I grew up. Even the people I used to know extremely well, I don't know hardly at all now.

So, you might say, I'm a bit apprehensive about the move. But at the same time, there is complete peace. I know without a doubt this is God's doing. I know this is a move He wants us to make. So, I'll follow in obedience with faith. Faith that this is what's best for our family and faith that He'll provide a place to live (more on that later).

To be continued is the understatement of the century...

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