Monday, October 21, 2013

So, How Did This Happen?

Well, we have to back waaaaayyyy up for this one. There's a bit of background needed here. It actually started way back in high school. 

Oh dear, that probably just made you stop reading. I'll try to make this long story short. Just hang in there with me.

As I was saying, it all started way back in high school. When it was time to think about where to go to college, I knew I didn't want to go to the nearest college, that most of my classmates were going to. It was the college almost everyone who graduated from my high school went to. Call me a rebel, but I didn't want to go there. So, I decided on a college a bit farther away, in the big city. But, the college was very small, so I wasn't completely out of my comfort zone. Although, I was horribly, horribly homesick. I remember crying on the phone to my mom one night and she asked if I wanted to transfer back to the college close to home. My answer was "no." I didn't care how homesick I was, I was not going to go back home. 

I eventually got over my homesickness and ended up living in various parts of the city until now. After Hubby and I got married, we never had a desire to move back home. I never had an inkling of the feeling until we got pregnant with our first baby. One Sunday we were driving back to the city after a weekend "home" to see our families. I remember telling Hubby it would be nice to be closer to our parents once we had kids. But the conversation never went farther than that. 

Fast-forward to this January. Hubby was contacted by a company close to "home" and we started the discussion of whether or not we would ever really want to move back. I remember during that entire process of interviewing, I was sick to my stomach. I couldn't imagine moving back home. But then, the more we thought about it, we realized it wouldn't be that bad. Right?!? But secretly, I was relieved when he didn't get the job and we could stay put. I love Sonic and Target and I wasn't quite ready to say good-bye. Neither were they.

So, we happily moved on with our lives. We enjoyed getting to know our life group from church, I continued coordinating our MOPS group, Big started Kindergarten, Hubby started serving as Deacon at church, as well as leading a Big's group at church on Wednesday nights, etc. In other words, we were involved! And then one September afternoon, I got an email from Hubby telling me another company from "home" contacted him. My reply was, "Aye, aye, aye. Here we go again!" But this time, something was different. I was peaceful. And so was Hubby.

He began the process of interviewing again and we again started the discussion of possibly moving. But this time, we felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I truly felt God's hand over this. I knew that He was in control and had it all figured out. 

We didn't tell anyone. Personally, I didn't think everyone else would have the same peaceful feeling we did. I didn't want to cause disruption in other people's lives if nothing came of it. Also, we didn't want our families thinking we were actively looking to move back. 

When Hubby went up for the on-site interview, as luck would have it, the first person he saw was a cousin of mine. So, we had to tell our parents. We didn't want them hearing it from anyone else but us. 

For the next week and a half we waited and waited. But notice I didn't say we anxiously waited. Again, more peace. I kind of had a feeling Hubby would get the job, but that's a story for another time. My prayer was simple. If God wanted him to have the job, it would have to be an offer we couldn't refuse. And God delivered. 

So, there's no turning back now. I would like to say things have continued to be smooth sailing, but that isn't 100% true. Hubby getting the job has been the simple part of the story so far. But I'll fill you in on the rest later...

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