Sunday, May 9, 2010

Race Day

Trying not to freeze before the race. Thank goodness the rain stayed away.

Me and my Sissie!

Some of my MOPS friends.

Lining up.

Starting the race.

Finishing strong. (I'm on the far left)

I had two goals going into the race: 1. Jog the whole time. 2. Make it in 35 minutes (which I've never done). I made both goals! My time was 33 minutes 40 seconds!!! Woohoo! :)

The rest are pictures from after the race; waiting on family and friends to finish.

Auntie D. dancing with Munchkin.

My support system. Couldn't have done it without the support and love of my guys.

MIL and SIL crossing the finish line.

First timers

Here's to more races in my future! Anyone want to join?!?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! You did it!! You should be so proud of yourself!

  2. I have two wonderful daughters that I love SO much and am SO proud of ! XO
