Monday, April 19, 2010

Doctor. Doctor, give me the news...

Took Munchkin to the doctor today. Just as I suspected - just allergies. So we've started him on some children's allergy medicine. The doctor said he should take the grape flavored chewables fine. I thought "um, probably not" so when I went to the store today I bought the chewables and the liquid.

Much to my surprise (or not) he gagged, cried, spit and clung to me for dear life.

I think we'll try to liquid tomorrow.

On a different note, here are some pics from a couple weeks ago when we went to Deanna Rose. You'll notice there are no animals. That's because last year Munchkin had to play on the smaller playground. But this year he was big enough and confident enough to play on the big kid playground. We were there the majority of time.

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