Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend, if you got one.

Mine was less than I expected/hoped it would be. I came down with a stomach bug that kept me up practically all night Friday night. So I spent a good part of Saturday in bed - not cleaning my house, shopping for curtain rods, and going to dinner with friends as was planned. Sunday I felt a bit better and was able to eat.....somewhat.

Today I spent most of the day with friends, so I would say that this was the best day of the weekend. Unfortunatly, now the weekend is over.

On the bright side, I got sick while Hubby was home, and he was such a huge help. He took care of Munchkin, ran errands, and made me jello! I know that wasn't exactly how he wanted to spend his weekend either. But he did get to spend lots and lots of time with our Munchkin one-on-one, which I know was good for both of them.

They did things like wrestle, watch football (Go Tigers!!!), go to Lowe's, play outside, try and conquer Munchkin's fear of cicadas, and today they went and played with Aunt N. and Uncle B.J. They are going to miss each other terribly tomorrow.

Thankfully Munchkin and I are starting up our second year of MOPS tomorrow morning. I think that should help Munchkin not be so lonesome for his daddy. Please say a prayer as I am a table leader this year. I am really looking forward to getting in the swing of things again, as I love this organization, but I am a bit anxious about leading a group of ladies. I mean, what do I know? I'm only 26 years old and I only have one child! But who am I to question God? I know He wants me in this position, so I'm going for it.

Now Hubby is putting Munchkin to bed while I get everything ready for our morning at MOPS. I better get back to it so I can spend a little bit of time relaxing with my husband before this long weekend comes to an end. Good night!

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