I feel so blessed to live where we do. I'm not talking about living in the U.S. with all our freedoms (although I do feel blessed about that) but I'm talking about living only a couple of hours away from where I grew up. It is nice to be able to not have to board a plane to go "home." It feels comforting to know that if I need to run up "home" for a day, I can handle that trip.
It is also comforting to know that it
is at least two hours away from "home." I mean, I love my family and all, but I don't want them living next door. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I truly believe I cherish the time I get to spend with family more now that I don't see them every day.
But ever since becoming a mother, the tendency to
want to live in the same town as my family has increased. I don't think about it every day. I don't even think about it every month. But once in a blue moon, I just wish I could call up my mom and ask if she could come over. Or I wish that I could just load up Munchkin and go visit grandpa and grandma for the afternoon. I really felt that way today. I think what triggered it was the encounter I had with Mason's mom a couple of days ago. Munchkin and I were playing outside and she came running by. (Literally, she is a runner. Like 16 miles a day people. Crazy.) I asked her where Mason was and she said she sent him to grandma's for the day so she could get a good run in and then get a bunch done around the house. I have one word to describe my reaction: jealous.
Actually, at that moment I thought
man, that must be nice and then I moved on with my day. But today full blown jealousy hit. I'm not sure exactly when it happened. Maybe it started when Munchkin was literally throwing himself on the floor screaming in Target. Or maybe it was when he found a back scratcher and started wildly, uncontrollably swinging it around the kitchen knocking things off the counter. I suppose it could have happened when he asked me to sing just so he could scream over me. No joke here. He would ask me to sing and as soon as I would start, he would scream.
So although it was a pretty typical day for us, my
plan was to get the house clean today. (You now have my permission to laugh.) I knew I wouldn't get it done, but I thought I might at least get one toilet cleaned. Nope. Nada. Nothing. Never once did a Clorox Toilet Wand or any other cleaning product touch my fingertips today. Bummer.
My new plan is to clean the house when he goes to college. Consider yourself warned: you may want to start using the bathroom
before you come to our house!
Is it the fact that I didn't get the house cleaned that I was jealous of Mason's mom? No. I know I'll clean eventually. I think what made the little green monster surface was the fact that all I wanted was some time at home. Alone. By myself. Without anyone else here. Peace. Quiet. Ahhh.
But alas, I'm a mommy to a soon-to-be two year old little boy. The chances of me ever experiencing peace and quiet in our house are slim to none - at least within the next 16 years. And I know that once I do get to enjoy that experience, I'll miss my little screaming, on-the-floor-trantruming, constantly-on-the-go little Munchkin. So rather than ship him off to grandma's for the day, I'll just hug him a little tighter, kiss him a little more and tell him I love him a little more often.