Thursday, January 21, 2010

The last two days

We've had a pretty normal past two days here. Yesterday morning Munchkin and I ran errands (which we do most mornings. It helps if we get out of the house at least once a day!) Then we came home and played outside for a bit.

Last night was Mom's Night Out for my MOPS group. They have one once a month. I usually don't go, for various reasons, but decided to last night. It was actually quite fun. We ate and SPIN (a pizza place). I know so many people that love it, but to me, it is just ok. But I still had a good time because of the company.

Today I had a MOPS table leader meeting. We also got a new entertainment center and a new tv delivered today. Out old tv was breaking down. It was a hand-me-down tv and worked really well for us for 5 and a half years of marriage. But after Christmas, we came home and everything was neon colors. Then it started going half black and white/half neon. So Hubby is super excited to have a new flat screen tv!!!

Munchkin is still having some trouble with sleeping which may be switching from being the result of teething discomfort to a habit. We'll give him a little while longer and then see if we need to crack down again on the sleep schedule. It is just so hard to know when he isn't big enough yet to tell us what is wrong.

Tomorrow I take Munchkin to get his 2 year pictures taken. He turns two a week from tomorrow!!! I absolutely cannot believe it. Where did the time go?

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