Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just say "No"

***Sidenote: Guess what I found out today? I found out that our new flooring shows broken glass a lot easier than our old flooring. Sigh.***


I love Laura Ingalls Wilder. I can't tell you the number of times I have read the series of Little House on the Prairie. That's right people, I said I can't tell you the number of times I've read the series. I've also been to her house in Mansfield, Missouri.

It is probably no surpise, then, that I'm also a fan of the show. I can remember watching it sometimes growing up, but it isn't like I've seen every single episode, like I have with I Love Lucy - but that's another story.

So since I own every season of I Love Lucy I thought I'd ask for Little House on the Prairie seasons for Christmas. Now I will be able to watch every. single. episode. But I only have season one, and I'm already halfway through it. What am I going to do until next Christmas???

I digress.

Anywho, I needed to trim Munchkin's nails before his nap. I needed something that would keep his attention away from me, but not mesmerize him so much that he wouldn't need to sleep. So I put in an episode of Little House on the Prairie. He got into it right away because in the first scene there were horses. Perfect!

After I got done trimming his nails, I left the room. I heard his feet in the kitchen and went to look. He went right to our drawer that has our measuring cups. He took one out and put the handle in his mouth. At first I thought that his teeth hurt and he wanted something to chew on since he is getting his two year molars. But then it hit me...Pa smokes a pipe. I went and looked at the tv, but at that time, Pa wasn't smoking. I went back a couple of scenes, to the ones I had missed while I was out of the room, and there was Pa smoking a pipe!!!

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