Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Less than one month to go!

We have less than one month until Munchkin turns two! I haven't done a post lately about his latest "tricks" so I thought now is as good a time as any.

  • He is talking up a storm. And not just babble. We are now able to have conversations with him. Thankfully he has moved out of the "no" stage so when we ask him a question, he'll give us an actual answer.

  • He is starting to pretend more and more. I catch him pretending with his toys and making them talk.

  • He still passionately loves music. He loves to dance and sing. The ABC's, Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells, and Baa Baa Black Sheep are his latest favorites.

  • His favorite thing to play is wrestling. And Hubby is teaching him how to tackle. So you can frequently find Munchkin on the floor, falling on someone/something, and/or running into you and grabbing your legs.

  • He sleeps all night long (thank goodness) bedtime routine starts at 8:00 p.m. and he wakes anywhere between 6:15-7:15 a.m. He takes one nap a day which currently lasts anywhere from one to two hours.

  • He loves to mimic us - our words and gestures.

  • Now that we don't have carpet in our dining room, when I'm working in the kitchen he brings a chair in from the dining room table, pulls it up right beside me, climbs up on it, and "helps" me work.

  • He is definitely throwing tantrums, but none that are too bad so far. He has also started pouting. It is sooo hard not to laugh at him!

  • He eats really well, but is getting somewhat picky. Fruits and veggies are still his favorites (besides chocolate).

  • He is wearing size 2T/24 month (pants are still too long but 18 month are too short) and is in a size 6 1/2 shoe.

  • His newest phrase to get hubby's attention is "Oh dad!" This kid is hilarious! :)

  • His favorite TV show is still Sesame Street - which makes mommy happy because I actually don't mind watching that one with him!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like he has such a fun personality!! It is great keeping up with you and your family on here!
