Thursday, March 25, 2010

3 New Sentences

Today Munchkin has said three things that I had no idea he knew how to say:

"No I can't!"
"Whose is that?"
"No money, no ticket."

The firs two he said to me during breakfast as we were having a conversation. The third I overheard him say while he played independently.

Since we're sort of on the subject anyway, here's what Munchkin's been up to lately:
He can count to 13.
He knows all his letters and the sounds they make.
He is learning his shapes.
He still loves all things Sesame Street.
The majority of the time he is singing or humming. (Just like his daddy!)
He loves to pretend.
He loves to say, "I'm gonna get you mommy!" and then we proceed to chase each other through the house.
He still loves fruit and vegetables.
We are in the beginning stages of potty training.
He takes one nap a day (sometimes he doesn't take any nap) that usually lasts from one to two hours.
He currently has to sleep with four stuffed animals.
He has trouble correctly pronouncing the 'r' sound.
When eating, he is finally using his fork and spoon. Most of the time. :)

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