Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Steroids and Running! Ha!

First, Munchkin is doing better. We didn't get the shot. He is now taking his antibiotic disguised in a glass of cherry juice. (Now that I've typed that he probably won't take it tonight! Ha!)

We've still been struggling with the steroid. My mom came down today to help me get it down him and to give me a little break. I certainly took advantage of her being here. We did get the steroid down and I also got to get out of the house. I went to Target and bought some spring clothes. I also stopped by Sonic Happy Hour and got a diet vanilla coke.

I also took advantage of my mom being here by running outside. I ran 3.25 miles in 45 minutes. I guess I should rephrase that. I walked and periodically jogged rather than ran. I thought it would take me at least an hour. I knew that running outside would be completely different than running inside on an elliptical. And I have never run the full 3.1 miles yet. And I haven't run at all or done any weights since one week ago today! With all the sickness going around our house and my schedule, I just haven't done anything. What a way to get back to it!

It was so much worse than I thought it would be! Ha! Yes, I did a lot better than I thought I would but the impact on my feet and knees wasn't fun. I did enjoy the scenery and the fact that I could run outside without a coat. Side note: two trees in our yard are starting to get blooms on them! But the whole time I was out there I was thinking about how my training so far was clearly not what it should have been. But then once I got back home, I was totally surprised that it only took me 45 minutes! It is just a totally different feel being outside.

I just heard thunder! Woohoo! I love thunderstorms.

One last note before I go. We're sending our love and prayers to Great Gpa V. He had a hip replacement today. We love you grandpa and are praying for a speedy recovery!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! You did awesome for your first time outside. Proud of you sissie! XO
