Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cleaning and Easter Eggs

Tonight after supper we decorated Easter eggs. We'll be out of town for Easter, so I thought we'd go ahead and get this done so we can enjoy them for a few days. Here is Munchkin in his apron. It says, "Mommy's Lil Helper!"

Getting ready.

Putting the eggs in the dye.

Drying the eggs.

Looking up at Daddy for his next instructions! :)

Putting stickers on.
Some with stickers. We had trouble getting Munchkin to understand that he could put more than one sticker on them! :)

Drying and decorating.

A perfect spot. Right on the mantel. (And kind of fitting underneath the cross!)

Aren't they cute?

Since we'll be going out of town soon Hubby blessed my day by letting me clean our house! And I mean clean. He knows that I love coming home from any trip to a clean house. So I deep cleaned for at least 6 hours today. And I loved it! Thanks Hubby, you're the best!
Some of you have asked, so I thought I'd let you know that I'm still keeping up with my running. Yesterday I ran outside (against the wind, which was horrible) and made my best time yet; 3.25 miles in 40 minutes. Slowly but surely I'm making progress.

Tomorrow is Munchkin's best friend's 2nd birthday. We're going to celebrate with them tomorrow after church. Should be fun!!!


  1. Love the pictures!! And so happy to see him in his apron!!! :) Finally got the computer upstairs warmed trying to get all my blog reading caught up. XO

  2. Love you blog Kara! It is so fun seeing little I and hearing your stories and adventures! Looking forward to skiing in just a few days! Anyway, I saw a couple of munchkin's 2 year pics on Kay's fridge and they are absolutely adorable. Where did you have them taken? I am trying to find a place for Gabe's 1 year pics. Just let me know if you get a chance! Thanks!
