Wednesday, October 14, 2009

30th Birthday

My brother turns 30 on Saturday, and since I don't blog all that often over weekends, I thought I'd go ahead and talk about him today.

We are 3 and a half years apart and he has been an awesome big brother. Granted, he cried when I was born because he wanted a baby brother. And we certainly have had our disagreements, but I have loved having him as my big brother.

Since he was upset I wasn't a boy, he decided to try and treat me like one. We watched wrestling together on Saturday mornings, we would wrestle in the living room and make mom mad because we were shaking the house. He would make me play one-on-one basketball with him, even though I didn't like it because I always lost. He would also make me play Tecmo Super Bowl with him on the Nintendo. Again, I always lost. He took me for rides on his dirt bike. We would play "spy" and spy on mom around the house. When riding bikes he would pretend to be a police officer and pull me over on my bike. Apparently I broke the law a lot. He would make me laugh at inappropriate times at church. We would gang up together on our older sister and pick on her. (Ok, we may still do this one!)

At Christmas we would sneak downstairs together during the night to find out what Santa brought us. One year we heard mom coming and we both started running. I tripped and stubbed my toe and he left me lying there. After that I stopped going downstairs to peak at Christmas. But he still would and then come up to my room and tell me what Santa brought me. Thanks a lot. So much for being surprised!

I don't remember mom spanking us very often. In fact, the only memories I have of being spanked are when he and I would be spanked together. I should would always spank me first because when it was his turn, he would start laughing and make mom laugh so that he got out of his spanking. Again, thanks a lot.

But in all honesty, I love my brother. No one can make me laugh like he can. He has always been protective of me. He truly is a big softy - not everyone knows that about him. It hasn't been all that uncommon to snuggle up with him on the couch or get big bear hugs from him. I know that if I ever need him, he'll be there. If Munchkin ever becomes a big brother, I hope he is as great of one as my big brother is. I love you Jase! Happy Birthday!!!

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