Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cookies and Tigers

Hi! This is Munchkin. It has been raining her ALL DAY LONG! And I love being outside, so mom has been trying to be creative in helping me not get bored. This morning we had something called a "playdate" at the mall. I'm not sure what that word means, but I sure had fun.

This afternoon I helped her do something I haven't ever done before - bake! We baked cookies! See?!!
This is me helping mix the dry ingredients....whatever they are.

While Mommy worked with the liquid ingredients, I very carefully spooned the dry ingredients out of one bowl and into another. This wasn't in the recipe, but I thought it would make the cookies taste better.

Here I am looking at the cookies right before they are ready to be put in the oven.

Here is the first batch of cookies! Yum!

Here is the best part...eating them! Mommy says I was a huge help. I heard her mumble something about me being a huge help in getting flour all over the kitchen, but I know that help is a good word, so I'm pretty proud of myself!
All day Mommy has been telling me to get my game face on. I'm not really sure what that means. She says that the Tigers play the Huskers tonight. I know what football is, and I definitely know who the Tigers are, but I still don't understand this whole "game face" thing. I better have another cookie and think on it awhile.

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