Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thorn in my side

**UPDATE: Guess how long Munchkin slept???? 20 minutes!!! That's right folks, he cried longer than he slept. Grrrrrr


I am feeling so frustrated right now. Munchkin is having trouble napping AGAIN!!!!! He has never consistently been a good napper and it drives me nuts. We go through these phases where he won't fall asleep on his own. Well, he will, but after much frustration and crying - sometimes on both our parts.

I have almost always been an advocate of teaching kids to fall asleep on their own by crying themselves to sleep. We started that with Munchkin like a year ago. It worked. It was brutal at first (I remember calling Hubby at work crying because Munchkin had been crying for 2 and a half hours! I was down in the basement without any monitor because I thought I would have a mental breakdown if I heard him crying any longer). But like I said, it worked.

However, Munchkin works best with routine. So, when he has to sleep and we're not at home, sometimes it can be a battle. Especially at my parents' house. (Sorry Mom) Mom's not a big fan of crying yourself to sleep which has been frustrating for me in the past. But we've both been flexible with each other's beliefs and have worked through it.

But this week Munchkin has been fighting naps again for apparently no reason. We haven't been out of town. He did spend the day at my sister's house on Saturday, so maybe that threw him off. Monday it took him an hour and a half of crying and resisting to fall asleep. Yesterday he didn't cry himself to sleep, but he only slept for 20 minutes! Ugh!!!! And now, he is finally quiet after 25 minutes of crying. I am about to go up and check on him. I was upstairs sorting laundry (another thorn in my side, but we won't go there) and I saw the light on in his room. We may need to move his crib.

I've talked to God about this nap issue several times. I've also let Him know that if He decides to ever give us a second child, I only want one that is a good napper.

Ok, I'm going to go check on Munchkin. Here's hoping he sleeps longer than 20 minutes!!!

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