Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas decorations are up!

Yesterday Munchkin and I put the Christmas decorations up. Christmas is going to be so much fun this year because our little guy is starting to really get into it.

When I opened up the first box and started pulling stuff out, you should have seen the look on his face. His little face just lit up and he squealed. He was so excited! He wanted to see everything and touch everything. He played and played. It was so much fun to watch.

Last night we decorated the tree. Munchkin loves it and calls it the "tistis tee." It was so much fun because he actually helped put ornaments on. That was probably the most fun I have ever had decorating a Christmas tree. Of course he only put the ornaments on the low branches, but then he started putting more than one on a branch so that it was too heavy and the ornament would fall off. Every time that happened he said, "Too big." and came looking for a different ornament to place. We've only had the tree up since last night, but the lower half of it has been redecorated several times already! I love how much fun he is having.

I have a small Boyd's Bear nativity that I set on a table within his reach. He has been having lots of fun playing with all the figurines. I've been having lots of fun using that play time to tell him about the real meaning of Christmas - who each of the figurines is and what role they play in the story. So much fun!

What a wonderful time of year!!! This Christmas will be so much fun!

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