Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

(I'm still trying to figure all of this out. The first picture goes with the end of the post, but I couldn't figure out how to move it. Just give me time and I'll figure all this stuff out)

Do you like Muchkin's bib? It was given to him by my sister (Auntie D). I told Munchkin this morning that I would be totally ok with him not being president some day. Of course it is up to him, though! :)
Have you been watching all the fanfare? I have. Munchkin has been very good this morning - quietly playing so mommy can watch tv. He even took an early nap that ended up being perfect timing - right before Obama was sworn in.

Regardless of who you voted for, I hope you feel the history that is being made today. I know I have. How awesome it is to be a citizen of this country. Sometimes I'm in awe that God would choose to put me on this planet, in this place at this time in history. Have you ever thought of that before? God could have created me to live on a different continent, in a different time, with a different family, etc. I don't try to understand why God has chosen to bless me like He has, I just try to live according to His thruths and know that as long as I am in a relationship with Him, I'm on the right track.

On a different note, isn't Munchkin cute in this photo? He was looking out our front windows (I assume wishing it were spring) and I caught this cheesy smile. What a kid. I just love that guy.

1 comment:

  1. Munchkin totally looks like you in that first picture!
