Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh Internet, Where Art Thou?

I'm here! I'm here! But, unfortunately, the internet isn't. We have yet to get the internet at our new house. And I'm spending the majority of my waking hours there trying to get things ready to move in. (We're still living with my parents - hence, I'm on the internet right now.) The rest of my waking hours are spent taking care of children, go figure.

As soon as the internet is up and running I'll post more. I have pictures waiting to upload and tales waiting to be told.

So for now, I'll leave you with this little tidbit...

You know you're living in Smalltownsville when:

1. While listening to the radio in your car, you have to change the station every 5 minutes as the previously clear station is now completely static.

2. Seventy-five percent of stations on the radio are country.

3. They broadcast notices of local funeral services on the radio.

4. Your children repeatedly report, "I see stars!!!" at night.

5. When leaving the grocery store, the only sound you here is the fans running on grain bins. No people. No traffic. Just fans. One of my favorite sounds from childhood. Not sure why I enjoy it so much - guess it's because it reminds me of home. :) It's not exactly a sound you hear in the city.

6. When at the checkout with your Hubby at the local grocery store, the person in front of you says, "Man, you guys move back and we get a blizzard! Thanks a lot." And after you leave the store, you and your Hubby turn to each other and say, "Do you know who that was? Me neither."

7. No stoplights. It's a beautiful thing.

8. You realize you'd forgotten there is a switch on your car to turn the headlights on bright.

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