Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stamina Needed. Send Help!

Today, it appears, we hit the wall (no pun intended) that I knew was coming. I've just been waiting for it.

It started when I had to wake Big for school. For the first time since starting his new school, which is all day as opposed to half day back in the city, he said, "But I don't waaaannnaa go to school." I asked why and he responded, "Because I'm too tiiiired."

Whelp, that only took a week and half.

Then, later this morning, I started going into freak out mode.

How are we going to get all these projects done?

I can't get anything significant accomplished and try to take care of Little. You see, Little is the type of small person that needs constant supervision. Bless his precious little heart.

How are we going to get all this done when Hubby has to work all day?

We have no sense of normalcy or routine and we're all starting to freak out because of it. Ok, maybe that one just pertains to me. You see, I'm the type of person who thrives on routine and structure. Bless my precious little heart.

But then Little finally went down for a nap, I regrouped, and the work and progress continued. It really is baby steps. I know we'll get there. We've already tabled one project so we can just stinkin' get in our new house.

I would love to show more pictures, but I left the camera at our new know, the one without internet. But I've got to do some online Christmas shopping anyway. Did you realize Christmas is two weeks from today?!? I better stop thinking about it, or I'll go back into freak out mode.

Good night!

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