Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Most Precious Surprise

Last night, as I was unpacking boxes of books, I made a sweet discovery. It was my Grandma Bradfield's Bible. I instantly had to stop what I was doing and go flip through it. It proved to be just what I needed and gave me a boost. This moving process has been long and complicated. I needed a little pick me up. Although it gave me a boost in morale, the crying that ensued exhausted me and I was unable to get any more work done and had to immediately go to bed.

I really wanted to curl up with the Bible in my arms and fall asleep hugging it, but forced myself to go to bed like a normal person.

I had a pretty good night's rest, until Little woke up calling for me and then screamed bloody murder. No joke. He screamed like a panther or something ridiculous. Why? I have no idea, but it sure got my blood pumping.

My niece and nephew came over for a bit this morning. Did I mention my brother and sister-in-law are moving, too? Fun times.

It is now 2:00 p.m. and I am still in my pj's.

It is New Year's Eve and I want some yummy food for tonight, but probably won't get any considering I'm the one who would have to make it and I would probably have to go to the store to get ingredients for anything worth making. And a quick trip to the store just doesn't happen 'round these parts. Grocery shopping requires planning. It is truly unfortunate.

I don't know why I want fun New Year's Eve food anyway. We have have no plans. We're staying home, just the four of us and watching movies the boys got for Christmas. One is a Veggie Tales movie and the other is Epic. Big and I saw it in the theater back when we lived in the city. He really enjoyed it (I did, too) and I'm sure Hubby probably will because I think it is a little Lord of the Rings-esque.

Little just woke up, so now Hubby is forcing me to go shower so I can help him work on the wiring on our new bedroom ceiling fans. Don't be jealous. Your New Year's Eve plans probably aren't nearly as exciting.

P.S. The Christmas tree is already completely put away. It just needed to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Love you! And love your notes....hang in there! I forgot you had her bible.....she was with you right at that moment. Hoping you rang in the new year with a bang! We were in bed by 10. Happy new year sissie
