Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The last time I wrote we were getting ready for our big 4th of July bash at my parents'. We got everything done in plenty of time for the party. Grandpa B. even came out. I have posted him as a prayer request on my blog before. Well, the night of the 4th he was not doing well, but he still made it out to at least eat dinner.

The next morning after church, my aunt and mom discovered he had passed away during church as my aunt had gone in to see him before she went to church, and had talked to him then. Needless to say, the last few days have been a whirlwind.

The funeral was this afternoon. Hubby, Munchkin and I just arrived back to our house as Hubby needs to work tomorrow. However, I am feeling lost and numb. I am dreading my day at home tomorrow. I have had the support of family and have basically been going nonstop since I got the phone call from my mom that grandpa was gone. Because although we knew it could be any day, we really didn't know it was going to happen when it did. I had no idea that when I kissed him goodbye before fireworks that would be the last time I would ever see him, talk to him, or kiss him.

I am lost because he was my last grandparent. That chapter of my life is over, and I really don't want it to be. I totally took my grandparents for granted. I was very close with all four of my grandparents and just assumed they'd always be around, even though I knew they really wouldn't. Losing this one was definitely different than the rest, because it was the last.

I know for a fact that Grandpa is in Heaven. He is right where he wanted to be. I am not sad for him, but sad for me. I lost my first grandparent when I was in junior high. And now, within the last two years, I have lost the last three. Hence, I am lost and numb....and grandparentless -a first for me.


  1. I love you Michelle! I am sitting here crying after reading your post. After hearing about Gpa B and knowing he was your last, I really got to thinking and realized how much I take my grandparents for granted. I am here for you anytime you need me and you know that! You're in my thoughts! Love you!
