Thursday, November 7, 2013


Yesterday was Hubby's last day at his current job. He is now unemployed until Monday, which means we have no health insurance until Monday. (Praise Jesus that medical coverage begins the first day of employment!!!) Which means, someone will inevitably get sick over the weekend.

He is at Big's elementary school right now doing the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) program. I'm sure they're having a ball. I'm at home with Little. He's napping - but since I'm trying to post I'm sure he'll wake up any minute now - and I've been cleaning. But, then I got distracted by Pinterest. I'm just so excited to have a new place to make into our home. There is a very good chance that this new house could be the one Hubby and I live in until we die. So, we better make it how we want it.

Thankfully, my sister has very good taste and I've already started emailing her my ideas. Boy, is she going to get sick of me! But, we're sisters and best friends, so she'll just have to deal with it.

In other news, our house will be inspected on Tuesday and the house we're planning on buying will be inspected next week, as well. Yea for progress!

Yesterday was the first day we didn't have any showings. I was so thankful. It is hard keeping the house ready to show people with two little male humans around. It has been nice to just let them be boys.

Well, I"m off to enjoy my last few moments of peace and quiet before Little wakes up. If you don't hear from me in a few days, I've probably been eaten alive by Pinterest.

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