Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Moving Out Day

It's Moving Out Day!!!

I put those exclamation points there to try and cheer myself up.

It's not working

I wish I could say it's moving day rather than moving out day, but reality is, we're not moving into another home. All our stuff is going to storage and we're moving in with my parents. God bless those two. Amen. Heaven help us all. Amen.

Our move in date, at this time, is December 9th. It cannot come fast enough. For all of us. Including my parents.

Since my last post, we've been busy. Friday was Big's last day of Kindergarten here in the city. He cried on the way home. Bawl is actually a more accurate term. When he first got in the car, all he said was, "Well, I'm feeling sad." I told him it was ok to be sad. Then, as we were pulling through the carpool lane, we passed his teacher. I stopped and rolled down the window. She came over and gave him a hug. Then, I rolled up the window and started to drive away. That was a big mistake. One of Big's classmates was waiting on the sidewalk at the very end of the carpool lane. I didn't notice her (and there was a long line of cars behind us) so I kept on driving. Big wanted to roll his window down and say goodbye to her, but didn't get the chance. That's when the floodgates opened.

We got home, and he showed me all his papers from school. His teacher and classmates made him a sweet card. He had stopped crying by that point and telling him he could put together some new Legos at Grammy's house was a motivation to get him out the door. My mom graciously took the boys to her house and Hubby showed up around supper time. We spent the evening getting the house ready for movers. The next day was spent cleaning and taking down the swing set.

Saturday evening we headed up to my parents' and joined the crew. My brother, his wife and kids were already there. Sunday, my sister and her husband came, and we took family pictures. Afterward, we enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving day this year, we'll be with Hubby's family.

Sunday evening, Hubby and I came back to the city to spend our last night in the house, as our moving crew was here at 8:00 a.m. Monday. Yesterday, they spent the day packing. Hubby and I stayed at a hotel last night and today they're moving everything out.

I'm in a state of denial. I don't want to leave this state. I like this state. I'm afraid of what state I'll be in once I leave.

So, to cheer me up, I'll leave with a picture of the boys. I love these kids, and I know this move is best for them. That's where I have to keep my focus, or I'll lose it.

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