Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day One

Well, it's day one of 2014. Happy New Year!

We had fun having our indoor supper picnic and watching Epic. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Immediately afterward, the boys went to bed. Hubby had to do some work on the computer, so while he worked on the laptop, I picked another movie. I decided to go with the original Batman with Michael Keaton. Good times. I'm pretty pathetic, though, and with only about 20 minutes left of the movie, with an hour until midnight, I went to bed. I just couldn't do it. I've never been much of a night owl. Oh well, 2014 came regardless of my sleep schedule.

The first day of 2014 has been absolutely wonderful. Hubby and Big went skiing today, so Little and I have enjoyed a nice, quiet day together. It also snowed most of the day, so we simply enjoyed the warm indoors. Honestly, I didn't expect to get anything done today. Or, at least, I told myself I wasn't going to be productive today. I love it when I give myself permission to do nothing. Wouldn't you know, I got quite a bit accomplished. I've noticed that's not too uncommon. On days when I'm killing myself to get things checked off my to-do list, I accomplish zip. On the days I don't plan on doing anything, I'm completely productive. 

Little and I are now snuggled on the couch waiting for the big guys to get home from their ski day. 

On another, completely unrelated note, we got my mom family pictures for her birthday this year. They were taken at the end of November and I'm just getting around to posting them. I thought I'd share some of my favorites from the day.

This is my nephew. Big calls him Chubby Cheeks. I'll let you guess why. 

This is Chubby Cheek's big sister. Or shall I say, older sister. They're pretty close in age, and in size. Goodness, this girl is precious. 

This is my brother's sweet family.

Big. I was so looking forward to this photo shoot, because I'm really not good about getting pictures taken of the boys regularly. I have so many friends that get their kids' pictures taken every month for the first year, and then every year for the rest of their lives. I'm doing good if I get pictures taken of my boys every year and a half - even when they're babies. 

And this is why. 

Oh dear. 

Ah, much better. There's my sweet boy.

Of course. I should have known.

Ok, I can't take this cuteness. How did this child grow up so fast? I look at this and recall him laying on my lap as a newborn in the hospital. I remember tears rolling down my cheeks and thinking he was the sweetest baby in the world. He's still so sweet, but a lot more mischievous now. But in this pictures, he's still that sweet newborn to me.

Here I am with the father of my children. Also known as my husband. 

Remember me saying Little is a lot more mischievous now? I'm not sure if you can tell, but Hubby is running after him in this picture. The second reason I chose this picture is to illustrate where we've moved. See the wide open spaces? This is my parents' house - where I grew up from the age of 4 to 18. I loved it here. I still do.

See the old run down building in the background? That was our playhouse as children. My grandpa built it. There are now black raspberry bushes all around it. My mom makes the best homemade black raspberry jelly.

Precious children, who look almost identical.

My brother and his wife. He is one lucky guy.

Ok, everyone smile. 

Um, what?!?

There we go.

My sister and her husband. He is one lucky guy. 

Can you tell I love the women in my family?

The 'rents.

We had to try and get one with our dog, Buddy. He entered our lives just before I graduated from high school because I begged to keep him.

I'm the youngest.

My parents are eternally grateful.

Or something.

And last, but certainly not least, just in case you were doubting it, the following will illustrate that there is, indeed, a lot of love in this family.

Even between brothers. Amen.

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