Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sorry Mom and Dad, no video tonight

I took a couple of videos of Munchkin today and thought I would be putting them on here tonight, but I forgot that I can't do that on this computer - so you'll have to settle for some pictures that are previews of the videos. I won't get the videos on here tomorrow either as we have our small group tomorrow night. So as soon as I'm home for an extended period of time (because videos take forever to put on here) and our other computer is up and running, I'll share the videos. Until then enjoy gazing at our adorable boy.

This is Munchkin's Halloween costume from last year. We barely squeezed his feet and hands in to the paws, but he had a blast. He's grown quite a bit since last October.

He found it in his closet today and started trying to put it on himself.

This is his Mizzou helmet. He likes to wear it and even wore it outside today. Needless to say his head was drenched with sweat. After supper tonight he wanted to "help" clean up the dishes and ran away with one. Yes, he ate supper in just a diaper and t-shirt. The helmet he put on himself after supper.

When I get the camera out he loves to look at himself. Our camera has a screen that flips out and can be turned around so he can look at himself while I am taking pictures of him. He thought it was hilarious. The only thing is that he gets so close all I can take pictures of is his face.....not that I'm complaining. I mean, look at this face!!! Scrumptious!

(That's me in the background. He was sitting on my lap.)

Me and my babe.
(I think his face is hilarious here. Note: he was laughing)

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