Sunday, August 16, 2009

What we've been up to

First, Munchkin wants to say "thank you" to Aunt Kay and Uncle David for the shirt! What a great surprise! Munchkin can't wait to use it.


I can't believe I haven't posted since last Wednesday.

What have we been doing? Well, I honestly don't remember what we did Thursday so apparently it was a thrilling day! Ha!

Friday we spent most of the day playing at Mason's house. That night, we went to see Aunt N.'s new house. She is buying a house that is about 10 minutes away and she was getting it inspected. So, Hubby's parents came down too. We all went out to eat afterward and then everyone came over to play before bedtime.

Yesterday we went to go see my brother and his wife. They live about an hour and a half away and we hadn't seen them since my grandpa's funeral. We just hung out at their house all day and watched the Chiefs first game. Should be an interesting season. I'm so ready for fall. Football is definitely my favorite sport to watch.

This morning Munchkin woke up with a runny, stuffy nose. Hopefully he's not getting sick.

We also have other Munchkin news. Forwarning: this next section will probably only be appreciated by moms/grandmas. For most, especially for most guys, it will be too much information. And, it will probably totally embarrass Munchkin once he is older. So if you are reading this blog, and it is tmi, all I can say is, I don't force you to read this stuff. If you are Munchkin, all I can say is, tough cookies.

The past couple of weeks we've been working on getting Munchkin to use the toilet when going #2. He finally did it tonight! Woohoo! I must add that he did it for his daddy. So I guess this means mommy is off the hook for potty training. Ha! Yeah right, I wish. I know that he may not do it again for a long time. It seems like for most things we take one step forward, and two back, but still, it is something to celebrate and we did. With marshmallows and dancing, if you must know.

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