Monday, April 27, 2009

Catching Up

I'm trying to catch up on what's been going on in our lives. I need to first mention that we celebrated two birthdays last week in our family. My Aunt Amy and Hubby's brother (Uncle BJ)! Happy belated birthday to you both.

Last week I had mentioned that Hubby and I had "one of those days" thankfully the next day was fine. Thursday I went to my alma mater, William Jewell College, to see a friend of mine lead worship. I'll write a separate post about this later.

Friday we went up to my parents' house. My cousin and his wife are expecting their first child in June and we had a baby shower for them. It seems every time we go to one of the grandparents' Munchkin usually gets sick or comes home sick. I'm glad to say that this time it didn't happen...but don't get too excited. Munchkin is just getting over being sick. Unfortunately Hubby is the one who got sick while we were there. He couldn't sleep Friday night and he ended up having a fever! Good grief! Maybe we should just stay home from now on. Just kidding grandparents!!!

Yesterday we came home early because of expected bad weather. I'm glad to report that we got home in time to get groceries and get the lawn mowed. Everything here is green and beautiful. What a blessing the changing seasons are.

You may be wondering why I haven't posted pictures of Munchkin lately. Well, we need to delete some pictures off our camera in order to take more. I can't bring myself to delete any even though we have them saved on the computer. I'm just going to have to bring myself to do it. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about posting the pictures of Munchkin playing at the kitchen sink. I'll put them on here soon.

Although I don't have any pictures, I'll update you a little on Munchkin. He will be 15 months old this week! We currently are working on tooth #15. We have been practicing using a fork. Today was the first day he used it all by himself! Little things like that make me so proud, but so sad at the same time. What happened to my baby?? It seems like just yesterday we were feeding him every three hours! (Although now it seems like he wants to eat every three minutes! Ha! I cannot even begin to imagine what our grocery bill will be like when he is a teenager! Yikes!) Here are the words he can say: mamma, dadda, cheese, cracker, cookie, more, no, all gone, grandma, and grandpa. He is now starting to say grandma and grandpa when he sees them. They are thrilled.

Tomorrow Munchkin and I will be heading to MOPS. I'll try to post more regularly this week! Happy Monday!

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