Sunday, April 19, 2009

So Far Sunday...

So far today Hubby has gone to church, Munchkin and I stayed home because he is still running a fever and has a horrible cough. And yes, his nose continues to run. He also had a burst of energy last night from about 10:45 to 12:15. Hubby and I just couldn't get him to go back to sleep - which made for a late night for us. I think I'll call the doctor tomorrow and ask about getting that machine to do breathing treatments. We'll just see how the rest of today goes.

Right now Munchkin is sleeping and Hubby and I are going through our storage room in our basement....yikes! The first weekend in May our subdivision is having a garage sale. I've already gone through the rest of our house a couple of months ago cleaning out and finding things for the sale. The storage room is our last room to go through. Man it feels good to get all the clutter out. Well...most of the clutter. I have several (ok, maybe a mountain of) boxes from when I was teaching and working on my Master's Degree. I just found a box with all my research from my first year of teaching and various edited versions of my final research paper. I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. Too much of my life went into that work. Besides, I think it will be fun going through it all years down the road.

So what have you been doing so far today???

1 comment:

  1. I just think we were brain washed...maybe we should plan some support group intervention the next time you start to even think about getting rid of those priceless pieces of paper!

    PS: I heart you!
