Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday night fun!

Hubby's sister is here to babysit Munchkin. He and I are off to our small group. We're studying the names of God. Who knew there were so many!?

Another wonderful day outside. Our tree is budding even more now (the one I posted a picture of yesterday). Rain and thunderstorms tonight and rain through tomorrow. I llllooovvveee thunderstorms! I hear there's a possibility of snow next week. Why dwell on tomorrow? Let's enjoy today's glorious weather and wait in great anticipation for spring.

What will you be doing for Friday night fun? Leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. this is traditionally one of the most stressful nights in my work life. i often work until 3-4am. but this year, i decided to buck the trend. some girls and i went out to dinner and then to the neighborhood bar. it was awesome!
