Thursday, March 5, 2009

Like trying to eat applesauce with your hands

Munchkin tried to eat his applesauce with his hands today at lunch. At first I thought it was just something cute to catch on camera. But then I started thinking about how it is a great way to think about motherhood. So here we go: Motherhood is like trying to eat applesauce with your hands.

Munchkin thought the best way to eat applesauce was with his hands. I was feeding him with a spoon, and then tried to get him to use the spoon himself, but he kept resorting to his hands. So many times as a mother I try to do things the way I think they should be done - mainly because this is my first child, and I have no idea what I'm doing. However, every day, God tries to provide me with the right utensils, but often I ignore them and find myself thinking my way is best.

It actually isn't necessarily that I think my ways are better than God's ways, I just don't take the time to ask God what He wants me to do. I don't take the time to listen to Him, watch for His influences, etc. just as Munchkin "didn't have time" for me to show him how using his spoon was much more efficient. All he was thinking about was getting to the applesauce as quickly as possible. So many times as a mother all I focus on is the end result, not the journey there. I want my child to do this or that at exactly the time I want him to do it. And usually I end up thinking...
there has got to be a better way to do this!
And thankfully, I know there is a better way to do this. My struggle is taking time to learn that better way. I can't argue with the fact that a lot of motherhood is trial and error, but I also can't argue with the fact that I would be a much happier mommy if I focused on The One trying to teach me and mold me along the way rather than focusing on myself and how hard life can sometimes be.
Just today I was thinking about how I can't imagine being a mother and not being a Christian who has a personal relationship with Christ. He is who I lean on when things are tough. He give me hope for the future. He gives me peace when my world seems to be nothing but chaos. And when I've really gotten myself in a mess, He is the one who cleans all the applesauce off my entire body and loves me anyway. But He doesn't stop there - He will also give me another chance with applesauce tomorrow!
So there you have it. Motherhood is like trying to eat applesauce with your hands.

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