Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring forward!

First of all, Amanda, I can't believe you usually work on Friday nights until 3 or 4 am! What in the world are you doing at those hours? Crazy.

Our small group was wonderful. Despite the temptation to lose focus during our study - we pulled through and God spoke to me about some things I really need to work on. I am so thankful for our group and praise God for the fellowship He has blessed us with.

Today I wasn't home, so Hubby took care of Munchkin. Uncle BJ and Aunt N. came over. They went to the park, and played with our neighbor. He is two months younger than Munchkin. I guess they kept hugging each other. I'm sorry I missed it. Hubby took a few pictures of their day. I might get around to posting them later. (I would love to get Hubby to write a post about their day, but I kinda doubt he would. Knowing him he would take it way too seriously, overanalyze it and it would drive me nuts how long it would take him to write it. That's what I get for marrying an engineer.)

I'm a little nervous about the time change tonight. We'll see how Munchkin adjusts. He's going to bed early, so hopefully he'll wake up in time for church. I hate waking him up in the morning to take him somewhere. I'd much rather him wake up on his own. I guess I should be counting my blessings that I'm not teaching anymore - otherwise that would be the case every day.

So go and turn your clocks people so you make it to church on time.

P.S. I don't have anything against engineers. I am actually quite fond of them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, not ALL friday nights....just the first one in march. Sometimes, also other Friday nights in March. All revolves around this program we have for college students during their spring's a lot of work!
