Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Report

We had a pretty nice and relaxing weekend. Friday night we all went to bed early. Saturday I spent a good chunk of the day in bed because of a horrific sore throat. My whole body felt sick. So Hubby took Munchkin to Target and then they met Uncle BJ at the dog park for awhile.

Sunday we went to church. I had to work at the registration table for an upcoming Women's Conference that we're having so Hubby had to pick up Munchkin from the nursery. Hubby said that as he was walking down the hall to go get him, he heard lots of crying. He walked in and saw four tots bawling their eyes out - and none of them were Munchkin! He said our little guy was off to the side playing like he didn't have a care in the world. That made me one proud momma! (But don't let me give you the impression that Munchkin never screams in the nursery!)

After church we came home and watched KU and MU play basketball. Go Tigers!!! My parents were coming through town so they stopped by, too. Here are a couple of pics.

Playing outside with grandpa and grandma.
What is Munchkin playing with?

Grandpa and Munchkin in the backyard. I love Munchkin's expression in this one. He was having a ball!!!
While grandpa and grandma were there they brought gifts for Munchkin. (Surprise, surprise.) One gift was a toy dog that barks and wags his tail when you pet him. Munckin is a big fan of dogs. This morning he kept carrying it around and hugging it. Then, while I was cleaning up breakfast I saw Munchkin putting the puppy away! We have a cabinet in our dining room that contains my cookbooks, some of Munchkin's books, and some stuffed animals (because not all of his stuffed animals will fit). Munchkin opened the cabinet and put the puppy on the stuffed animal shelf! A boy after my own heart - putting his toys away!
Yes, I was so proud I even took a picture. The puppy is the brown and white toy on the right next to his stuffed cow on the left.

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