Friday, February 13, 2009

Who's the cutest one year old in the world?

That'd be me, Munchkin!

Today Munchkin took his first trip to Sam's Club with Mommy and Daddy. Mommy shopped while Daddy took Munchkin around to try all the free samples! No kidding! :) Then we made a Target run. It seems everywhere we go people ooh and aahh over Munchkin, and boy does he eat it up. There was a lady working at Target today to was telling him how cute he was. So naturally, he followed her! We let him out of the cart for awhile so he could stretch his legs and he proceeded to find the nice lady who told him how amazing he was. What a ham! Any tips on how to keep your kids humble? My first guess would be not blogging about your child all the time and posting pictures of him with titles stating how cute he is would work.


  1. haha! cute blog. i stumbled upon it. cute family.

  2. Just like your hubby to meander toward food. Somethings never change...
