Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Tonight I went 2.44 miles in 38 minutes (10 min. of walking). Man did I feel like quitting tonight. At about 1.7 miles I seriously (well, not too seriously) considered stopping. It wasn't that I couldn't go on. I could, and I knew I could; I just didn't want to. Basically I just don't ask myself whether or not I feel like doing it because I almost never do, and I'm really good at talking myself out of doing things I don't want to. Anyway, the next time I run (Saturday; tomorrow I do weights and Friday is my day off for the week) I will add two minutes so that I'm doing 30 minutes of jogging. Since I'm adding two minutes, in theory I should go even further. We'll see. At this moment I'd be happy with going 2.45 miles on Saturday. I'm not sounding too positive tonight am I?

Now on to a subject I am much more positive about - sleep! Munchkin and I took a three hour nap together today!!! Bliss. Pure bliss! In fact, I credit the nap to my being able to get any exercise in at all today. Without the nap, I would have been much more tempted to just go to bed.

A second subject I'm much more positive about - Hubby! He had an appraisal at work today. It went really well. I'm so proud of him! He is awesome at what he does and highly respected by his coworkers (not to mention by his wife too!) In a couple of months, they are sending him to Sweden for a training. He is the only one going, so they're putting a lot of confidence in him. Way to go, Babe! I love you. Thank you so much for working hard every day to provide for me and Munchkin. Without your hard work, I wouldn't be able to stay at home and do a job that I love.

Tomorrow Munchkin and I have nothing on our agenda besides laundry. Hmm...what should we do?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go for running at all!!! Don't sell yourself short!!! You deserve a standing ovation for pushing through! By the way, if you are running on a treadmill or elliptical right now because it is too cold outside, look forward to the moments that you will be able to run outside when spring comes!!! You will probably be able to go farther and in a shorter amount of time just because you are outside. I find that I run SOOOOOO much slower and it seems to take FOREVER when I run inside. There's something about the birds singing you on, the wind blowing, squirrels darting out in front of you, and the smells of outside. Nothing beats the outdoors!!
