Thursday, February 18, 2010

Should I do it?

We're going skiing Easter weekend with Hubby's family. In an attempt to prepare, I've been working out consistently since the beginning of the year. I've never been one to consistently work out.

Today I was asked if I wanted to run in a 5K on Mother's Day. Should I do it? I think I want to. Crazy. I've never thought of myself as a person who would run in a 5K. I've never really thought of myself running. Period. I think it would be fun. And the other ladies who are entering I really like. It could be fun. And what a good challenge.

What do you think???


  1. YOU HAVE TO DO IT!!!!!!!! You will be hooked. After the 5K, you will be searching for the earliest 10K, and then.......a half marathon!! You will love it!!! DO IT!!!

  2. DO IT! Running has helped me out a bunch. Alot of people told me they felt the benefits in a month or 2. I guess I was too out of shape. It was several monthes before it felt good to me. But looking back WOW what a change. And of course skiing is my motivation! But it helps everything.
    Uncle David
