Saturday, January 11, 2014

B is for Bat

It is just now after 10:30 p.m. I just got done putting the boys to bed after being held hostage in Big's room for an hour while Hubby caught a bat in our living room. That's right a bat!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwww, yikes, gross, eeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!

Heaven help me. I may not be able to survive this.

We're thinking it came in through the chimney. Actually, I'm trying not to think about it.

When it comes to bats, rats, mice, snakes, spiders and the like, I'm a total girl. Can't stand them. I scream and run. That's been my most effective method of dealing with such creatures.

Hubby has to go out of town soon for work. What if another one of those things gets in our house????!??!?? The thought alone might send me into tremors. But, I think I have a plan. I'll hightail it out of the house with the boys and call either my dad or father-in-law to come catch it. And I won't return to the house until Hubby's back in town. Sounds like the most logical plan to me.

I might have a plan for the next time a bat enters the house (which is hopefully never) but what is the plan of survival for tonight? Of course I flinch at every little sound I hear and I'm still shaking on the inside. I will also probably sleep with my head under the covers. You know, because I'm brave like that.

Big was so excited to see the bat once Hubby caught it. I, on the other hand, stayed upstairs. But, once it was time to go to bed, Big was almost in tears wanting someone to sleep with him in case a bat came in his room during the night. I did the motherly thing and told him he needed to be brave and that a bat wouldn't come in his room during the night, but we came up with a game plan in case one did. We prayed that God would protect him and that no more bats would come in the house. All the while, during my pep talk to Big, I was inwardly relieved that I actually have someone to sleep with me tonight. Hubby may have my fingernails permanently embedded in his arms by morning. Isn't he lucky?

Well, so much for my productive evening of laundry and addressing our "New Year, New Address" cards. Hubby just returned from setting the bat free out in the country. I'm hoping waaaaaay out in the country. At least, that's what I'll tell myself.

Did I mention I don't particularly care for bats?

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