Sunday, January 5, 2014

Family Time

Today my niece and nephew came over. Oh boy did the kids have fun together. Four kids ages five and under makes for an adventurous day.

My best friend, and cousin, also came over today with her sweet little three month old. She was just precious and still had that sweet baby smell. Ta die for!

Tomorrow one of Big's friends is coming over to play. He's been missing his friends from the city, so hopefully tomorrow will cheer him up. Also, tomorrow is the last day of Christmas break. I know most parents are ready for their child(ren) to go back, but I'm not. I've loved having him home, and I know Little has, too. We'll be lost in this big old house by ourselves on Tuesday.

Schools in the area that are supposed to be back in session tomorrow have already canceled due to the frigid temperatures. I'm so ready for spring. Although, I've been trying to see this wintertime move as a blessing in disguise. I would have certainly never chosen to move during the winter, but the cold weather and snow have forced us to be indoors. Since we have to be indoors, we're getting more work done on the house than we probably would if it were summertime.

Once it is summertime, hopefully all our boxes will be unpacked and we'll be fully settled. I know all our house projects won't be done, but the small ones should be, so we'll have time to enjoy summer in the country! Eeek! I can't wait!!! There will be fishing, people. Lots and lots of fishing!

Since we had four small shenanigans around all day, Hubby and I are going to veg tonight after the boys are asleep. Hubby's putting them to bed now. I should go wash dishes, but I'd rather stare at the wall and ponder life. Or go find some chocolate. Or basically do anything other than wash dishes. I guess hanging out with four shenanigans will do that to ya.

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