Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Heart a Late Start...

...when it comes to getting Big to school in the mornings.

Due to the cold weather, his school has a two hour late start in the morning. Praise be! It isn't so much fun waking him up in the mornings and getting him out the door. Although, I'm sure every parent can relate. I've never heard a parent say how easy it was/is to get her child(ren) out the door.

This morning was an especially hard morning. So hard, in fact, that Big was almost late to school and after school we had to apologize to each other (actually, now that I think of it, I'm the only one who apologized) for how the morning went. When I put him to bed tonight, we both promised to try harder tomorrow. That was before I found out about the two hour late start. If tomorrow morning is as bad as this morning was, then I should turn in my parenting keys.

In other news, I entered a new parenting frontier today. I bought Big some wrestling shoes after school. Just another moment in my life when I realized the years are slipping away and my children will be moved out and on their own before I know it.

In other, other news, I went to my mom's today so I could be her chocolate angel food cake apprentice. Her mom made the best, as in B.E.S.T, chocolate angel food cakes you've ever imagined. Big requested one for his birthday party that's coming up. I've never made one by myself before. I only made them with my grandma. I know there were times my mom wanted to rip the spatula, measuring cup, spoon, egg, pretty much you name it, out of my hand and just do it herself. I'm sure it was painful for her to watch. But, we got it done and hopefully I can build up more confidence to do one on my own someday. I mean, I have to in order to carry on the family tradition. Chocolate angel food cake in this family is like what pasta means to an Italian family. Ok? Got it? Un-der-stood?!

So, like, basically no pressure.

The party is Sunday, so I'll let you know how the cakes turns out.


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