Monday, May 25, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Wow! I haven't posted in a long time. Just so you know, we're fine. We've just been super busy. Here's a brief summary of the past few days.

Thursday Munchkin and I went out to lunch with my sister-in-law. She and my brother have moved much closer to us and we were planning on seeing them for at least a day this weekend at their new house. It was so much fun being able to go to lunch with her as before we rarely got to see each other.

After lunch, Munchkin and I came home to a broken air conditioner. The house was quickly getting warm, so I put on hold all the cleaning I was planning on doing. No, the air conditioner still isn't fixed. But it is supposed to be tomorrow. The guy should be here between 1 and 3. Please say a quick prayer if you get the chance.

Thursday night Hubby, Munchkin and I went to Lowe's tp buy paint as we painted our kitchen and dining room Friday and Saturday. We got home later than expected from that and did as much prep work as we could on those two rooms until 1:30 a.m.

Friday we finished prep work and got the first coat of paint on by the bedtime. Hubby's parents came to take care of Munchkin while we worked. It was even more tiring since we were working in the heat all day. This was the day we learned we wouldn't have air until Tuesday.

Saturday we finished painting, but because it was so humid in our house, it took longer than usual for the paint to dry. Therefore, while taking the tape off, some paint started peeling off the wall because it was still too wet. We did the best job that we could, but rushed a bit to go to my brother's new house. We decided to stay there for the rest of the weekend because they had air conditioning.

So the past two days we've been helping them get settled (and Hubby got to play some golf). We are back home tonight and I'm going crazy trying to get the house put back together. Thankfully it is cool here tonight so it is comfortable inside.

I feel like it has been a whirlwind of a weekend. The paint looks great and we couldn't have done it without Hubby's parents' help. I'm waiting to post before and after pictures once I get my new drapes up, so you'll have to wait awhile longer.

I'll try to be more diligent about posting this week. I'll definitely have to let you know if we get air conditioning back up and running tomorrow!

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