Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nothing like catching up with old friends

Munchkin and I made the rounds this week catching up with some friends we haven't seen in awhile.
Here is Munchkin with his great grandpa B. I haven't given you an update on grandpa in awhile. He has been home for a week and a half. His heart does not look good and he is no longer able to drive. He is on a lot of meds and is relying heavily on my mom and aunt to take care of him. It was wonderful to have some one-on-one time with him. He certainly enjoys his great grandson! We love you grandpa!

One of my dearest friends was in this area of the country so we went to go see her. This is Kait and her son E. who is almost exactly one month older than Munchkin. Kait and her husband live in Israel but have been in the Boston area recently so her husband can do research at Harvard. Kait brought E back to this area to see family and friends. They return to Israel in September. I don't get to see her often, and it was such a blessing to let the boys play together and have some much needed catch-up time with Kait. Although having a conversation is much harder now with two toddlers around! Ha!
I've known Kait for years. We did Bible studies together throughout high school. She was also my personal attendent at our wedding. God has used her in so many ways in my life. She has been instrumental in my faith walk. It was so neat to get together now that we have kids. We used to dream about being mommies and now we are!
On a different note, my carpets are clean! Yea! The house looks so much better. My husband is the greatest!

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