Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Talk

Today was our last MOPS meeting of the year. We won't meet again until September. What a wonderful year it has been. I met so many amazing women. I know they are also amazing mothers, but they are also fabulous women. MOPS has really helped my life stay balanced. While connecting with other moms, I have been able to keep my identity and remember and be encouraged that I have a life outside of being mommy to Munchkin.

Sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in simply being a mom that I forget that I am a person too. I have wants and needs. I have hopes and dreams. Munchkin won't be under my roof forever. What am I doing today to make sure I still have a purpose once he is gone? I don't want to forget who I am.

Last night I was asked whether or not I would go back to teaching once I went back to work. Honestly, I don't know. Growing up my dreams were to be a teacher, and a mommy. I've accomplished both those things, so what is next? I know I don't have to figure that out now - I still have lots of time left being Munckin's mommy and hopefully we'll have more kids in the future - but I still need to have goals. Yes, I could go back to teaching some day, but the realization that I don't HAVE to is very exciting. I can have new dreams. Just because I'm a mommy doesn't mean I have now reached my full potential.

So what do I want to be when I grow up??? Hmmm. That's a question I haven' asked myself in quite awhile.

If you could start all over with a brand new career, what would it be?


  1. I would work at a hotel... aannnddd give out tickets for breakfast.... aaaannnnnd make sure that no one got more than two pieces of bacon! :)

  2. I would teach....or own my own bakery/coffee/bookstore shop...

  3. I just started one!!! And someday I want to own a store that sells things... Descriptive, yes.
