Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Own Personal Rain Cloud

Remember how I mentioned I have a history with stormy weather? I thought I would write a post about it. I won't go into every detail because I could go on and on.

It all started in high school. Our town has a fair every August. One night it was storming, so my sister and I came home. Our parents were supposed to be home soon, but my sister and I were a little worried because the storm was so bad. From the bathroom window you can see the road so my sister was looking out the window watching for them. Also out that window you could see our pool. My sister yelled at me saying our pool was gone! Gone?! Yep, that's right. A pool full of water just disappeared! We found bits and pieces of it around our yard the next day - but that was quite the storm.

Next, the Sunday before finals week my sophomore year of college I was in my dorm room playing games on the computer procrastinating and not writing a final paper for one of my classes. My roommate was somewhere else on campus, so I had the music blaring. Thankfully I heard a knock on the door and it was another person in our dorm knocking on doors making sure people knew the tornado sirens were going off and we needed to go to the basement. I made my way to the basement, and it is a good thing I did. A tornado ended up hitting our campus. It landed right on top of my dorm and blew the roof off. It did a lot of damage on our campus and finals were canceled!

Our wedding day was also a stormy one. The place where we had our reception wasn't safe to be in during a tornado, so the fire department ended up coming and telling us we had to go to the local high school because of a tornado warning. I even have proof that our reception was evacuated!

Here is my dad telling us we have to evacuate. I love our facial expressions...don't you? Ha!

Here is hubby's brother and sister next to a fire truck walking into the high school.

And this ended up being where I did most of my socializing during our reception - a high school.

Here is hubby's family checking out the radar at the high school.

And here we are leaving the school to go back to the reception.

Although I didn't have the reception I was wanting, all in all it was a successful day. We are married, aren't we?


  1. Michelle,
    I remember all 3 of ur stormy stories like they happened yesterday...I am just thankful that you are still here to tell them! Love you bunches!

    Happy Belated Birthday! I hope u got my text!
