Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer Fun!

The Expo went well! It was quite the experience, that's for sure. Lots of people who have way too much money to spend! I think my mom said it best (I'm paraprhasing. This isn't a direct quote - I don't have that good of memory! Ha!) "Just think of all the hurting people in the world who could be helped by the money being spent here."

On a lighter note...when I came home, the boys were just finishing up supper so we went outside for some pool time.


Don't be jealous of Munchkin's sunglasses. You can get some for yourself at Target. They have dinosaurs on them.

We are noticing some interesting "quirks" that Munchkin has. He is very methodical about how he does things. He has started lining similar items up perfectly in a row. Do all kids go through a phase like this? I'm not sure if that is it or if he is taking after his engineering daddy. Tonight in the bathtub he lined up all the rubber ducks that were exactly the same perfectly on the side of the bathtub. Tonight during pool time he kept going back and forth from one side of his pool to the other and splashed his hands in the water. I took a video. Videos take awhile to load and I want to go to bed so I'll post it tomorrow. Only the grandparents and aunts will probably appreciate the video, so the rest of you will just have to suffer through it! Muuah haha haaa! Or, you know, you could just not watch the video. Either way.
Enjoy your last day of May tomorrow! What a great month it has been.

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